Saturday, July 20, 2013

God, Religion & CBC | An Opinion Poll

             It is always interesting to get to know viewpoints of people when it comes to opinions and thoughts about god or religion or anything related to that. Hence on this  context I decided to test waters with the 200+ folklore of the highly active Chennai Bloggers Club members. The challenge taken up was to post six question related to the topic at hand. 

Here's what unfolded...
Some simple stats to start off

Total respondents: 66
Total responses polled: 120
Highest polled question: 'Do you believe in God?' .
Least polled question: 'Do you vouch for / against the belief in god or religion, to people?'

Now the detailed question-wise stats

     One strong opinion noted was that many of those who believed in god did not believe in religion and I leave the other such complex stats that could be derived out of the permutations and combinations of these, to your imagination!


  1. First time, I figure in something of statistics. Thanks.

    Good job, btw.

    Please start your enlightening polls again. They sure make me wonder and ponder.

    Joy always,

  2. Interesting results!

    I missed your poll last time I guess, next time It will hold me answers too !

    Keep smiling,

  3. :P I answered few, missed few. Reliability gets hit no if sample space is not same for all?

  4. @Susan - Some stats are true after all ;)
    @Lakshmi - Looking forward to your opinions too
    @Gita - To some extent yes!

  5. Charan
    I appreciate your thought process, keep up the good work.
    If you can display the numbers along with the graph, it would be really good. because of the angle of the graph some times it is hard to judge which ones more.

    my 2 cents, HTH


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